
Sleek… Simple… Streamlined – by Ashley Ann

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Christine Sainsbury, showroom manager for the Aberdeen branch of Ashley Ann kitchens, sums up how the team tackled the design of a sleek and special kitchen. Her 26 years of experience working…

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Handless Gloss White Futura Kitchen from Mereway by Classic Interiors

1) Classic Interiors


The story: The owners of this property wanted a larger, brighter kitchen with an island. The space was modest, so the room was first extended to incorporate a former utility room and a window was replaced with a glazed door to let more light in…

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Blue Moods, Useful Ideas and Decorative Details



If you’re designing a new kitchen, take some tips from the experts at John Lewis of Hungerford; when you’re done, look for new tiles, appliances and accessories to add those final perfect flourishes …

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Second Nature Broadoak Painted Kitchen – by Fearon Bros

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The story: Established in 1979, Fearon Bros are an award-winning family business specialising in creating bespoke kitchen and bedroom furniture.

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Just Right in Black and White – by Cococucine



The story: The client approached us with a brief to design and install a stylish, functional and ergonomic kitchen for this open plan 690 square foot space. His priority requirements were that the space should incorporate high quality …

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What’s top of the UK’s Kitchen Lust List?

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According to the latest research by Pilkington Glass (, the average Brit spends almost £4,000 a year on kitchen updates and almost half of us have renovated our kitchen at least once. When it comes to the ultimate wish list…

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