
Rustic Inspiration & Summertime Gadgets

Cuisipro ice cream stack sandwich maker


One of the most interesting and appealing episodes of MasterChef was episode 22 of Series 11, which featured two restaurants, with one featuring open flame Swedish cookery. It was filmed at the Ekstedt restaurant, which uses no gas or electricity… everything is cooked over birch wood flames.

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Our lovely Laura made some Macaroons for her sisters wedding… here is how she did it!
If you have any tweaks, suggestions or you have tried the recipe and love it – let us know…

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Egg-zackly right…

Possibly my favourite interpretation of Easter eggs for this year, Praline Quails Eggs, £5, Waitrose.


As the Easter festival gets closer, we all tend to forget it’s real meaning and focus on the chocolates and eggs … my resolution this year (rather than a New Year’s resolution, it’s an Easter resolution) is not to forget what it’s really about. But, at the same time I want to make sure everyone has a lovely holiday lunch to look forward to, as well as an Easter egg hunt and some cupcake treats to finish off the day.

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New Year, New Ideas!

For more multi-functional cooking assistance, take a look at the Instant Pot


Well… from the depths of a freezing spell, weather-wise, and the doldrums and post-Christmas self-loathing that come when you mentally add up how many mince-pies and turkey sandwiches have been scoffed, I am trying very hard to be enthusiastic and positive about a sprinkling of New Year resolutions. They are quite simple … cook healthily, […]

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Majestic Malteser Cake


1. Crush the Maltesers and digestives. This is best achieved using excited children with a rolling pin. 2. Break up the cooking chocolate and melt with the margarine and syrup over heat. Mix continuously until it’s all melted. 3. Take off the heat and add the crushed digestives and Maltesers. For efficiency do this yourself, […]

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Cheatin’ Christmas… Don’t panic!

Tesco Christmas Pudding Cheese Bombe


If you’re reading about Christmas now, it’s a bit too late to start making home-made Christmas puddings and cakes. So … unless you are one of the ultra-organised home chefs who have already marinated their dates, frozen the home-made bread sauce and laid down a few bottles of home-made sloe gin or raspberry vodka you will be going to do the last-minute run to the supermarket on the 23rd Dec like the rest of us…

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