Scottish Cranachan

Scottish Cranachan

Cranachan is a dessert that hails from the land of scotch whisky, using a liberal amount of the warming drink in the recipe. A traditional dish that also has honey, oats, and fresh raspberries, cranachan is a simple but very popular Scottish dessert.

Custom dictates that the ingredients would be brought to the table individually so diners could assemble their own, which offers a nice twist and truly unique combination each time you eat the desert!

Recipe info

  • Prep time: 5 minutes
  • Cooking time: 5 minutes


• Double Cream (570ml)

• Porridge Oats (85g)

• Whisky (20ml)

• Honey (3tbsp)

• Fresh Raspberries (450g)


1. Toast the oats in a pan without burning them.

2. Whip the cream until it’s soft and forms peaks.

3. Fold in the whisky, honey, oatmeal, and raspberries.

4. Serve in a dessert glass.



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