Mqaret Sweet Date Pastries

As part of our mission to find the world’s tastiest food we have arrived in the beautiful island of Malta to enjoy a classic Maltese menu… For dessert we have Mqaret Sweet Date Pastries - serves four people.
If you have any tweaks, suggestions or you have tried the recipe and love it - let us know by leaving a comment below!
Recipe info
- Prep time: 30 minutes
- Serves: 4
- Tip: Spiced date pastry parcels, a decadent dessert or just the perfect sweet snack!
For the filling:
8 oz (220 g) stoned dates
1 tspn finely chopped tangerine peel
1 tspn finely chopped orange peel
1 pinch ground cloves
1 tspn of anisette liqueur (Sambuca)
For the pastry:
1 tbs sugar
8 oz (220 g) flour
2 oz (50 g) margarine
2 tbs water
- Chop the dates and put them in a saucepan with 3 tbs water. Stir over a low heat for a few minutes.
- Remove from the heat and add the citrus peel, cloves and anisette.
- Make the pastry by the rubbing-in method. Rest and then cut the pastry in two, roll out half into an oblong 16 x 4 inch (10 cm).
- Dampen the edges and spoon half the filling along the centre. Fold the strip lengthwise enclosing the filling.
- Cut into diamond shapes (like fig newtons) along the length of your folded pastry.
- Deep fry in hot oil until golden (do not crowd). Drain on kitchen towels and sprinkle with icing sugar (optional).
- Serve hot, drizzled with honey and a scoop of ice cream.
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