Installation of TIP-ON BLUMOTION

The components of TIP-ON BLUMOTION for LEGRABOX & MOVENTO are assembled without tools. Pull-outs and drawers are designed and installed as normal. There is no additional space requirement.
Read moreThe components of TIP-ON BLUMOTION for LEGRABOX & MOVENTO are assembled without tools. Pull-outs and drawers are designed and installed as normal. There is no additional space requirement.
Read moreAs part of BLUM’s involvement in the wider furniture community, I was honoured to be asked to judge the entry’s for the young furniture maker’s awards.
Read moreLEGRABOX has 3-dimensional height, side and tilt adjustment. It ensures a precise gap layout both in drawers and in high fronted pull-outs.
Read moreIn this Vlog Andy from the Blum Technical Team takes us through adding the front to the AVENTOS HK unit & completing our installation. Every month we aim to keep you updated with ideas to help you create highly functional kitchens, and some useful tips to help…
Read moreIn this Vlog Andy from the Blum Technical Team takes us through the positioning of the AVENTOS HK front fixing brackets. Every month we aim to keep you updated with ideas to help you create highly functional kitchens, and some useful tips to help…
Read moreIn this Vlog Andy from the Blum Technical Team takes us through the installation of the mechanism for AVENTOS HK. Every month we aim to keep you updated with ideas to help you create highly functional kitchens, and some useful tips to help…
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