Kitchen Tips

Shades of Autumn

Caesarstone Montblanc


There is definitely an autumnal feel in the air, all the stores are full of warm colours and it’s nice to be able to predict with a fair amount of certainty what the weather is going to be like! I’ve rounded up some beautiful seasonal ideas and directional colour schemes for the coming months …

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Dramatically Dark

Carron Phoenix Calla 150 granite sink LS hi res


It’s a joy to see adventurous colours used in glamorous kitchens … however sleek and gorgeous a pure white kitchen looks, a darkly dramatic kitchen space takes the look up to a higher level.

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To DIY or not to DIY – that is the question

Plain English one


I can remember when DIY kitchens were a dirty secret… something you’d never admit to owning (although many of us did). These takeaway kits may have had flimsy carcasses, wafer-thin worktops and badly fitted interiors but boy, were they cheap…

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